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Old Times... and New Times!

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Offline newimperium

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PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2008 2:37 am   Post subject: Old Times... and New Times!   

Thanks to all of you who are visiting and taking part in the site, especially all of those old friends that were part of the original NI! I'm sure a lot has changed in your life as it has in mine, too! Remember those good old days... ;)

The question is, what are all of you up to these days? What has changed since those "good old days"? What are some of the milestones you have passed in your life? We never really got to know each other much out of character before, but times have changed and I would love to hear about who you all are in RL. We have people from many countries and cultures, and how cool is it to establish that camaraderie and learn from each other!

So... I guess I'll go first. :P

I graduated university and spend 3 years living in Japan. In that time I've become fluent in Japanese and am pretty conversational in Chinese. And I play bass guitar in a band. We're just starting out; it's named "Chucksilver" and you can check out our myspace page at (we hope to get some songs up soon :P).

How about you guys? What's new? Or conversely, maybe there ARE some memories from the "good old days" you'd like to share...?
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Offline Roger McReed


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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 9:34 am   Post subject: Re: Old Times... and New Times!   

Bows to all

I am glad that the NI somehow is back and I am proud of being there in the "good ol'times". I have been known as Roger McReed, Krathite of the Society of Shadows.

Well... many things happened in - say, around 8 years, that it was in the year 2000 the big annihilating wave that cursed the NI. I graduated and starte (slowly and with gaps and messes) to work, as a Communication, Italian, Literature and (when I manage to) teacher. Teaching isn't that easy as might seem to students, indeed. it's more a nerves thing. In the middle of that, as everyone, I tried many, many jobs. Ment, really, between Contemporary Art Installer, to Plumber, to Shop Retailer, to Call Center Worker. Anyway... as you might have guessed I'm from Italy, born 1977. i love to write, to read and not just serious things of course. I am into comics. And into boardgames, wargames (yes, even the one from the Eighties), role-playing games and Live-Action RPGs. And into Martial Arts, quite a lot indeed. (Sauron, I'll exploit your knowledge to understand a few lines, you know that ^^) How could I manage to find the time to pay attention to all of this stuff it's lost in the ways of the Force. Did I mentioned that I loved also cooking? ;)

Oh - and I have (unfortunately I almost quit) played the bass guitar as well for a while, and I hav

Meet me around to discover more of me, er - of the "Ruggero" living entity that's not-so-really hidden under the Roger McReed mask. e founded a LARP association. I'm posting the link, take a tour - it's in Italian now but hey, there's the photogallery still (Galleria Fotografica) ^__^ yell at me if you like it! ^__^

My words for the NI: this return is just a great chance we have. Let's make the importance of having the chance of expressing temselves to be understood. And anyway, it's always great when one can read about his character in a story. I hope we'll be back in numbers to write 4-handed stories and so on. And who knows what else.

Cheers from Ruggero and [Bows]

Lothair DJM Roger McReed/Vortigern/Krath/SoH/NI <---- just a small tribute to the Oldies, don't try to understand it, it takes a while to explain all to you if you werent'there. Where should I start? ^__^ (Ah! I remember Lothair Nico... I was tutored and recruited by him on a XvT bout^^)

[Bows], Roger McReed
"Ducunt Volentem Fata, Nolentem Trahunt"
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Offline newimperium

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PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 3:24 am   Post subject: Re: Old Times... and New Times!   

Welcome Roger!!! :D Now you are going to make me use an avatar pic too! :P

Sounds like we have quite a few things in common! (Writing, bass guitar, martial arts, cooking). Yes, I do love cooking, too! My wife taught me most of what I know, of course. :P My favorites are Chinese and Indian food... But I love Thai, Japanese, Korean (mostly Asian as you can see).

What style martial arts do you practice? I trained in Isshin-Ryu (One-Heart Method) Karate, and also Judo... Now I practice more of a mixed martial arts, when I have time. I train in the gym often but lately I have a shoulder injury... :(

Nice photos on the website! You guys seem quite into the dramatic and historical themes... It would be fun to create a short film like that! (I studied Communications and do videography these days - hope to do TV/film in the future)

As for Nico, I would love to have him back.... I really miss him a lot. I was telling T-Rex the other day, if we had Nico, Delta 1, Billbob, Jinx, and a few others back, it would be awesome, just like old times! Just imagine what we could accomplish together.... :ugeek:

Hmm... Maybe we will have to start a Run-on story again... 8-)

J. Ausley (formerly known as GM Xar "Sauron" Kerensky) (maybe I should make a seperate username for myself...)
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Offline Roger McReed


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PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:48 pm   Post subject: Re: Old Times... and New Times!   

Hehe ^^ you caught me in a frenzied day and I lurked almost everything I could (that ment, I went also to the archives of the old SoH and to your former "Japanese times" homepage following the links here and there in the NI site ^^) I just could not avoid putting on an avatar :)

Well... I'm note quite versed in Asian style cooking as I am with talian style, but make sure we'll share a few recipes ;) (And I can sense in the Force that many emails will come^^...)

I trained Karate until the 3rd Dan, from 1991 to 2004 and started with Aikido in 2004. I am now also practicing some Kung-fu basics, some Kobudo basics and some Kashima-Shinryu-derived sword style ("Ichi no tachi", that is with Aikido close to the "Isshin" philosophy as what I think).
I turned my left knee the wrong way in Sept. 2005... now I train at full but I'm still scared, a bit uncertain and I gained the 7th sense... meaning Weather Sense ^^' When it hurts, it's gonna rain -___-'''''
I can thus understand all your curses about your shoulder.

My association is working more on the Live Action Role Playing than in the Historical, indeed we're recreating a fantasy eighteenth century that is not really historical but somehow similar. We're having also Cyberpunk LARP organized. It's so darn difficult to work on SW-related stuff, because of the costumes... but that can be worked out ^^
Creating a short film could be fun but it risks to become - euh - nerdish, if you can understand me ^^''' anyway I imagined you were under the video of the NI that's on YouTube and on the homepage ^^

I never heard anymore about Nico, nor Billbob... and they were the ones who were closer. I lost contacts with BB as one of the last ones, when I was Rear Admiral of the Rotten Warhead Squadron ^_^' but I remember he literally dreamed of going to the Navy Academy to embark on a Nuclear Submarine.
As for the others... I fear I was just a little name down there below ^^ but I'm happy to meet T-Rex as well ^^ and I'm already recruiting a very creative, SW-addict friend of mine who already wrote a whole bunch of stories for himself in English - and mind he's italian. I hope I'll bring him there. He's now in his mid-twenties, and the NI missed him on the old times just for half an year because he was a bit young ^^

I'll jump in any run-on as soon as you make a signal. ^^
(Aww... I'd better be reading quite a lot before ^^)


[Bows], Roger McReed
"Ducunt Volentem Fata, Nolentem Trahunt"
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Offline Jinx


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PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2008 9:22 pm   Post subject: Re: Old Times... and New Times!   

Dudes. And dudettes, where applicable.

I've kept myself in the "biz" for the most part, working with the BHG since 1998 and occasionally, when the mood of nostalgia struck, dabbling in the DB. I'm proud to say that I hold the career record for most mutinies against the EH, with a total of four to my credit now.

In real life, I've gone to and graduated college, and work in media relations for my alma mater's athletic department. Now, when I look back and read what I wrote way back in the day, I mostly cringe. As the months progress here, I hope to prove that I've learned the art of subtlety in my work.:P

I also play LOTRO pretty regularly, although I maintain that Minesweeper is the end-all be-all of PC gaming.

Jinx Mortigena Mordachus
Steward of the Society of Shadows
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Offline newimperium

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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2008 4:42 am   Post subject: Re: Old Times... and New Times!   

Jinx: Welcome aboard! :)

We are all very happy to make contact with you once again. Good to see you alive and kicking. Found you on a post I was reading about Ar'Kell history, when you came in and set everyone straight. After that I managed to track you down on the DB website and hoped you were still around.

I enjoyed the stories you contributed to the NI in the past, some of them were influential, most notably those in the Run-ons. Your character shaped up to take on a bigger and bigger role in the stories, so in the past few years doing all the re-writes I took some liberties and changed some things but I hope you'll be pleased with how it's going. Got big plans in the works ahead for you too, my old friend... Drop me an e-mail or a line in the main plotline forum if you want to go over it in detail. ;)

Again, good to have you around again! It's starting to get that old times vibe again... By the way, would you be able to help get us in contact with any more of the old crew? Or even maybe some new folks who would like the stories and might want to contribute. Talk to you later!
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Offline Nico


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 4:55 pm   Post subject: Re: Old Times... and New Times!   

As for Nico, I would love to have him back.... I really miss him a lot. I was telling T-Rex the other day, if we had Nico, Delta 1, Billbob, Jinx, and a few others back, it would be awesome, just like old times! Just imagine what we could accomplish together....

Well... all I can say is that it feels good to be missed 8-)

Wow, it feels like I'm quite a few years younger again... reading this stuff and thinking about what it was like back in the old days... I'm afraid I do have lost some touch about what's going on in the plotline though.

As for what happened in the meantime? Well, not that much: I graduated, married, got a job working in a bank as a stock analyst (funny period nowadays) and my wife and me are expecting our first child in about two months :D

Now, please keep on bragging about me... makes me feel good ;)
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Offline newimperium

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:44 am   Post subject: Re: Old Times... and New Times!   


Boy, am I glad to see you! You are the MAN! :P

How on earth did you make your way here again?

All I can say is, WELCOME BACK! :)

Congratulations on your marriage and upcoming little one... My wife and I are hoping to have our first sometime next year. And actually, we are in the process of buying our first home now, just as our second anniversary is coming next week. We are really excited because it's an excellent deal (it's a great buyer's market right now).
So you're doing stock analysis eh? That's amazing... Yes, these are interesting times indeed! I assume you're still in Belgium? I am so glad that we can reconnect so that someday when I visit perhaps we can meet in person!

If you're on Facebook, please do add me (Joshua Ausley). I truly hope we can keep in touch better from here on and, in any extra time you might have, would love to have you join in with the plotline any way you like! We have a run-on going on and I'm starting a new story on the Fiction forum right now!

Take care and keep in touch, mate! ;)
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Offline newimperium

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:58 am   Post subject: Re: Old Times... and New Times!   

By the way Nico...

Sorry about what I did to your character in the latest story (Fading Glory)... Nico's fate is kind of up in the air, seeing as he's in a coma-like state now. :P
I think it's time to shake things up a bit and do some pretty extreme things with our major characters... But I don't think we've seen the last of Nico; mail me if you want to talk about what to do with him from here on out... ;)

I've started the new story "Destiny" on the fiction forum... Stay tuned. This is the one we've been waiting years for. :)
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Offline Nico


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PostPosted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 2:05 pm   Post subject: Re: Old Times... and New Times!   

Phew, it took me some time to get back to this forum again. I guess you can imagine it has been a busy time, both at work and at home as our little baby is expected in less than two weeks now. Oh and yes, I still live in Belgium, though I moved around a bit. We also bought a house a few months ago (unlike the US, the house prices in Belgium haven't gone through the floor... unfortunately).

Anyway, concerning the plotline, I recently had a look at some of the stuff I wrote back then, and I have to admit, I'm still cringing when I think about it ;) But it was just a very quick look and I'd take me some time to read through all the stories again to know a bit where the story lines were going. I recently finished the New Jedi Order series so I'm starting to mix all kinds of story lines I think. So, in short, I'm willing to lend a hand, but it won't be in the near future due to a) baby stuff and b) having to re-read the whole bunch.

As for my NI character, I don't really recall where I featured the last time, but a coma is no way to disappear from the stage :D
I figured I'm up for a bigger role, so couldn't you make me über-powerful all-consuming awe-inspiring emperor with a bunch of loyal female subjects at my feet? No? At least it was worth a try... ;)
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