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Introducing the New Imperium Wiki!

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Offline newimperium

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Joined: Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:57 pm

Posts: 22

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:46 pm   Post subject: Introducing the New Imperium Wiki!   

Okay folks,

I finally saw the need for some kind of encyclopedia/resource other than just the Plotline Database, which is pretty sparse compared to the amount of stories and information that we have. And I realized that there are wikipedias for things that aren't as big as our NI Plotline. So, I decided to go ahead and start a New Imperium Wiki, which hopefully will help people keep track of all the different plots, characters, locations, etc. and cut down on any confusion.

The thing is, I need your help. Putting everything that's happened in the NI Plotline so far would really hold me back from writing any new stories - and I only have two left to go. Since Wikis can be edited by anyone, I'm sending out a call for help to all you guys and asking for help in writing articles for the wiki. They don't have to be perfect or even complete yet; as long as we get something up, we can continue on from there.

So in short, please check out the NI Wiki and do write some new content while you're there. I would greatly appreciate it!

- Josh
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