Altarin'Dakor Language

Words and their meanings

Altama - Absolute Power; Perfection (also Altima)

Altarin - Power (both derive from root Alta, strength)

Ciadan - Society

Cialtt - Birth

Daken - Work

Dakor - Servant

Daktien - One Who Works or Worker

Ja Nomas - Goodbye (to an equal or a stranger)

Jedicon - True Jedi

Joznnar - Stupid or Idiot

Kamis - Genderless slaves often performing menials tasks; their bodies are covered in white cloth)

Ka Nomas - Goodbye (to a greater or a loved one)

Kodonn - Great

Kodonn'Dakor - Great Servant.

Kodonn'Seitann - Great Herald or Emissary

Kommi - Illusion/fake (can be an object or person)

Korvon - Soul

Kunis - Clan

Lokda - Thirst

Mah - Another form of I, but not used for me or myself. Conditional, often part of a compound word.

Misot - Foot

          Misot'Dakor - Lesser Servant. Misot actually means Foot, so a more literal translation would be foot
          servant. This comes from the term Misot'Voxann (Foot Soldier). Foot soldiers were the "grunts" in the
          ancient Altarin army. So, while Foot Servant would be more literal, Lesser Servant is more accurate.

Misot'Voxann - Foot Soldier

Nabann - Evil or Night

Naguis - Hand

          Naguis'Dakor - Honored Servant. Naguis actually means Hand, so a more literal translation would be Hand
          Servant. This comes from Naguis'Voxann (Hand Soldier). Hand soldiers were officers appointed to oversee
          the "grunts" of the ancient Altarin army. Because they had to have a knowledge of the Foot Solder's job, they
          were raised from the Foot Soldiers. This was a position of honor. So, while Hand Servant would be more
          literal, Honored Servant is more accurate.

Naguis'Voxann - Hand Soldier

Nakannda - Death or Oblivion

Nomas - Leave

Seitann - Herald

Sho - Hear

Shu - Listen

Ta Nomas - Goodbye (to a lesser or an enemy)

Topann - Speech

Topand - Writing

Tulyn - Young One

Ulok - Hunger

Veralt - Good or Day

Veralt Nomas - Goodbye (old AD phrase that is no longer in use)

Von - Me, Myself and I

Vox - Battle or War

Voxann - Soldier

          Voxavit - Warrior. The difference between Voxann (Soldier) and Voxavit (Warrior) is that Soldiers were
          hired in times of war, while Warriors were part of a standing peacetime army in ancient Altarin society.

Vox'Donn - War Commander

Vox'Indant - War General

Zubi'n - Intense Pain


The Altarin tongue is not so unlike our own. There are however a few differences. For one thing there is no grammar in
Altarin speech and writing. Words may be arranged in any way without losing their meaning. As a matter of fact, great
writing in Altarin culture is defined as not only a great story, but a manner of speech that surprises the reader. Reading
Altarin writing is like putting together a puzzle. Military and other important transmissions are, however, very strait forward.
Art in this case is sacrificed for efficiency.

Secondly, the Altarin language uses apostrophes in compound words for titles or groups. Examples of this are Vox'Indant,
Kodonn'Dakor, and Altarin'Dakor.

Finally, the AD have a tendency to double the letter "n" when it comes at the end of a word. Examples of this are Seitann,
Voxann, and Kodonn. There are however exceptions. Examples of these would be Altarin, and Jedicon. Also the Altarin
have a fondness for adding unnecessary vowels in the middle of words. An example of this is Daktien.

Quotes (and their meanings)

"Mah'glam sovamga mechosu walama..."

(I see the legend finally stands before me...)

"Le vamola sho walama"

(Allow him to stand.)

"Von sahm laka som Altama!"

(I am the one who is Altima(who holds Power) or equivilent)

"Na Nakannda!"

(To the Death!)

Glacia na Altarin'Dakor!

(Glory to the Servants of Power)

"Undia na Jedicon!"

(Honor to the True Jedi)

"Je, samo lawushan se bukan?"

(Stranger, are you a friend or an enemy?)

"Le Joznnar, supin de’luadi?"

(You fool, what language are we speaking in? [Akargan to Lasitus])
 "Ju'as suem'mah?"

 (Where am I?)

 "Jan tumans."

 (Wait a minute/hold on)

 "Ne'mah jeni habicha."

 (I don't drink alcohol [or wine in this case]).